On December 23, 2009 the Governor signed into law an amendment to Section 10-20.21 of the School Code that allows school districts to electronically communicate, accept, and open competitive bids for anything other than construction projects. P.A. 96-841 became effective immediately. Note […]
Author: Franczek
“Race to the Top” Initiatives Protect Principal, Teacher and Superintendent Evaluations from Disclosure Under FOIA
On January 15, 2010, the Governor signed into law the Performance Evaluation Reform Act, Public Act 096-0861, which became effective immediately. The Reform Act makes significant changes to the Illinois School Code in an effort to implement the Illinois State Board […]
Prevailing Wage Act Amendment Requires Public Bodies to Notify Contractors When Work Is Not Bid
Recent amendments to the Prevailing Wage Act will require public bodies to provide notice to contractors of the requirements of the Act when work is awarded without a public bid, contract or project specification. Failure to provide this notice may […]
Governor Signs Law Amending Requirements for Pre- and Post-Trip Inspections of School Buses
On November 17, 2009, Governor Quinn signed Public Act 096-0818 which amended the Illinois Vehicle Code sections relating to school buses. The amendment requires school buses to have operating two-way radios from the time a bus driver takes possession of […]
Contractors and Sub-Contractors Hired by School Found Not Liable for Injuries Sustained by School Employee on Construction Site
The Illinois Appellate Court recently issued an opinion in Michael Madden v. F.H. Paschen, et al., No. 1-08-1811 (3rd Dist. 2009), finding that a school maintenance worker could not maintain a negligence action against a construction manager and design consultant hired by […]
Federal Judge Rules Claims Against Principal for “Turning a Blind Eye” to Sexual Abuse May Proceed to Trial
A judge in the Northern District of Illinois recently ruled that school officials may be held liable for turning a blind eye to other officials’ constitutional violations. In Sandra T.E. v. Sperlik, 639 F. Supp. 2d 912 (N.D. Ill. 2009), students who […]
Second Circuit Decision Highlights Unsettled Question of Whether an IEP Must Name a Specific School
In a recent decision, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals addressed a question that often arises in special education cases: Must a student’s individualized education program (IEP) name the specific school where the child will receive services? Although the question […]
Service Animals Present Conundrum for School Districts
Two Illinois circuit courts have recently held that school districts must accommodate service dogs for students with autism. In separate court cases, Kalbfleisch v. Columbia Community School District and Drew v. Villa Grove Community Unit School District #302, judges ordered both school districts to allow […]