In a 95-page decision, a Connecticut federal judge recently ruled that competitive cheerleading is not a varsity college sport for purposes of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The court did not foreclose the possibility that competitive cheer […]
Category: Higher Education
On June 29, 2010, the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education issued a joint letter to college and university presidents nationwide expressing concern that their institutions might be requiring students to use electronic book readers (e.g., Kindle, iPad) that are inaccessible to […]
Change in Title IX Policy Raises Bar for Compliance
Vice President Joe Biden announced that the Department of Education has implemented a new policy under which it will consider more rigorous factors to assess compliance by colleges, universities and secondary schools with Title IX’s mandate for equal athletic opportunities […]
The U.S. Department of Education recently indicated plans to intensify civil rights oversight and enforcement efforts by its Office for Civil Rights (OCR). The OCR division of the Department of Education enforces federal laws prohibiting discrimination against students based on […]
Prevailing Wage Act Amendment Requires Public Bodies to Notify Contractors When Work Is Not Bid
Recent amendments to the Prevailing Wage Act will require public bodies to provide notice to contractors of the requirements of the Act when work is awarded without a public bid, contract or project specification. Failure to provide this notice may […]
Gov. Quinn Approves New Employee Compensation Reporting Laws for School Districts, Some Higher Education Institutions
Governor Quinn recently signed two laws which require School Districts, public universities, and community colleges to report compensation information for certain employees, Public Acts 096-0434 and 096-0266. Both laws create the same new section to the School Code, yet each includes distinct requirements. […]