IDPH Updates Guidance for Ending Home Isolation to Align with New CDC Guidance
On July 23, 2020, we issued an alert informing you that the CDC updated its guidance on returning from home isolation, shortening the required time that an individual who has tested positive for or is suspected of having COVID-19 must be fever free from 72 hours to 24 hours.
At the time, the Illinois Public Health Department (IDPH) had not updated its guidance to adopt the CDC’s new recommendations. However, as of July 26, 2020, the IDPH updated its guidance to align with the CDC’s recommendations. The change only applies to symptomatic individuals (whether initially symptomatic or developing symptoms after a positive COVID-19 test result).
The IDPH now recommends that these individuals may end home isolation if they meet all of the following requirements:
- At least 10 days have passed after the individual’s symptoms first appeared and
- The individual has been fever free for at least 24 (previously 72) hours without using fever-reducing medications and
- The individual’s other symptoms have improved.
An individual may still shorten the 10-day self-isolation period if he/she has two negative COVID-19 tests in a row, taken at least 24 hours apart.
If you have purchased our COVID-19 Protocols, please contact your Franczek attorney for an updated Isolation, Exclusion, and Return to School Protocol.
We will continue to monitor guidance from the CDC and IDPH and provide updates.