Franczek ISBE FAQ Updated— Further Info on Face Shields
July 2, 2020
On June 25, 2020, we issued a frequently asked questions document, “40 Answers to Your Phase 4 Questions: Practical FAQs on ISBE’s Phase 4 School Reopening Guidance,” clarifying ISBE and IDPH joint guidance for Phase 4 school reopening. Later that day, ISBE issued additional materials, including a FAQ of its own, with a number of changes and clarifications to its guidance. We then updated our FAQ on June 26, 2020 to address the major changes.
On June 30, ISBE issued further clarification regarding face shields and traditional face coverings. We have updated our recommendations accordingly. You can download the revised Franczek FAQ here.
For more information about the implementation of the ISBE guidance, contact the authors of this post or any other Franczek attorney.