Title IX is one of the fastest evolving and most challenging issues facing institutions of higher education. Our attorneys work closely with institutions of all sizes and cultures to ensure proactive compliance and to defend against alleged violations. Our experience includes:
- Drafting and updating policies governing sexual harassment, sexual assault, and other issues covered by Title IX, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, and related agency and regulatory guidance
- Counseling university administrators when sexual assault incidents or other Title IX questions occur
- Defending universities against Title IX lawsuits and agency charges by both complainants and respondents
- Representing universities under investigation by the Office for Civil Rights
- Training responsible employees and Title IX Coordinators about the legal requirements of Title IX and VAWA and proper techniques for investigating and resolving complaints of sexual assault and other prohibited conduct
- Delivering prevention and awareness training regarding sexual harassment, sexual assault, and related issues to a variety of campus constituencies