New Title IX Series: Refresher on the Roles and Responsibilities of Your Title IX Team
Originally posted on our Title IX Insights Blog.
As we noted in our last blog post, the Biden administration recently announced plans to propose amendments to the Title IX regulations by April 2022. While this deadline is fast approaching, before you start thinking about changing your policies and procedures, remember that the Trump administration’s 2020 regulations are still in full effect and will continue to be for the time being.
With that in mind, we are launching a multi-part series where we’ll be providing a refresher on the key players on your Title IX team under the current 2020 regulations. Over the next several posts, we’ll highlight the roles and responsibilities of Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, Decision-Makers (Complaint and Appeal), Informal Resolution Facilitators, and Advisors, reviewing legal requirements and sharing practical tips and lessons that we’ve learned in the field.
Today, we’re focusing our spotlight on the Title IX Coordinator. The 2020 regulations require each K-12 and higher education institution receiving federal funds to designate at least one employee as the Title IX Coordinator, who has the primary responsibility of overseeing the school district or college’s Title IX compliance efforts.
*Also authored by Jenny Lee, a third-year law student at Loyola University Chicago School of Law, currently a law clerk at Franczek P.C.
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