NLRB to Lift Suspension on Board-Conducted Elections
On March 19, 2020, the National Labor Relations Board (“Board)” suspended all representation elections, including mail ballot elections, until April 3, 2020. Today, the Board announced it will not extend its temporary suspension of Board-conducted elections, and instead will resume conducting elections beginning Monday, April 6, 2020.
In deciding to lift the suspension, the Board indicated that conducting representation elections “is core to the NLRB’s mission,” and that “ensuring elections are carried out safely and effectively” is one of its “primary responsibilities.” According to the NLRB, the temporary pause on elections was implemented to allow the Board’s General Counsel an opportunity to review the logistics of resuming elections, given the fact that many Regional Offices were closed, and regional staff were teleworking.
Moving forward, Regional Directors will determine appropriate measures to be taken to ensure elections resume in a safe and effective manner. We will continue to monitor and provide updates as they become available.
The operating status of the Board’s Regional Offices and Headquarters can be found here.