ISBE Revises Section 24-14 Guidance on Teacher Resignations After Recent Statutory Amendments
As we reported at the time, in 2015 the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) issued non-regulatory guidance regarding the application of Section 24-14 of the Illinois School Code to teacher resignations. After amendments to Section 24-14 in the last legislative session, which we described in a recent alert, ISBE revised the Section 24-14 guidance to comport with the changes to the law. According to ISBE, the agency had begun taking action on cases involving teachers, and is also reviewing whether the statute should apply exclusively to other types of licensees, as well as teachers. Franczek attorneys will be drafting a proposed amendment to Section 24-14 to further strengthen the law in a number of areas, including with respect to short notice resignations primarily by nontenured teachers on the eve of a new school term. If you have any questions about this or any other school personnel matter, contact the authors of this alert or any other Franczek attorney.