Franczek Webinar on Legal Updates Surrounding Residential Placements
Join Franczek attorneys Kaitlin Atlas, Kristen Kinast, and Brittany Begley for a webinar on Thursday, August 22 at 12 PM discussing legal updates related to residential placements. The 30-minute webinar will provide an overview of Senate Bill 3606, which was signed into law on July 1, 2024 as we previously reported, share insight into new ISBE guidance related to residential placements, and offer helpful reminders and tips as we begin the 2024-2025 school year.
We invite you to join these attorneys for this important discussion and welcome you to bring any questions you may have related to residential placement.
If you have any questions regarding residential placement or any special education matters, please contact one of the hosts of this webinar or any Franczek attorney.