Franczek P.C. Toolkits and Resources for School Administrators
As schools prepare for the start of the school year, it can be an excellent time to review and update your key protocols and procedures. Our May webinar on key policies and procedures for the 2022-2023 school year provides an overview on the key procedures and trainings to have on your checklist for this school year. As a reminder, we also offer specific toolkits and model procedures that can help prepare your administrative teams for a successful school year, including our Curriculum Objections Toolkit, Title IX Toolkit, Residency Toolkit and Model Threat Assessment Procedure.
Curriculum Objections Toolkit
Our Curriculum Objections Toolkit is a great resource to support districts as you receive and process curriculum objections. Our toolkit contains a sample policy, customizable forms and parent notices, and an objection rubric that reflect our recommended best practices for school districts’ policies and procedures for handling curriculum objections. Franczek attorneys Amy Dickerson, Nicki Bazer, and Dana Fattore Crumley also provide an overview of the key issues to keep in mind when receiving and processing curriculum objections, and discuss the Firm’s toolkit, during this recent webinar.
Title IX Toolkit
Franczek’s Title IX team offers a Title IX Toolkit containing the written documents needed to keep your institution in compliance with the current Title IX regulations, including a compliance action plan, notices, forms, and letters.
Residency Toolkit
To help school districts better assess residency and homeless issues, Franczek has developed a Toolkit of Residency and Homeless Forms to assist districts in collecting the information your school district most needs to confirm residency and homelessness status, determine if an investigation is warranted, and to help prepare you to challenge a student’s status if required. In addition to forms for general residency situations, the forms contemplate situations involving divorced parents, families residing with a third party without a lease, students residing with a non-parent or legal guardian, and homeless students. The forms may be adapted for use in electronic registration and enrollment. A user-friendly step-by-step guide walks administrators and staff through which forms to use in particular residency situations. The Toolkit also includes sample notices to be used when a district finds a student is not a resident.
Threat Assessment Model Procedure
All Illinois school districts are required to have a threat assessment procedure in place, and prior to the start of each school year must now file a copy of that procedure with a local law enforcement agency and the regional office of education, along with a list identifying the members of the school district’s threat assessment team. Franczek P.C. offers a model threat assessment procedure to meet the State requirements and to serve as guidance generally for threat assessment teams in their work to prevent targeted school violence. The model procedure includes explanatory materials to help you easily tailor the procedure to meet your school or district’s needs.
For more information and how to purchase any of these toolkits, please email