Franczek P.C. Offers Interactive Decision-Tree for Title IX Process
Originally posted to our Title IX Insights Blog
Educational institutions across the country are receiving complaints and reports of sex-based misconduct triggering the use of the new Title IX regulations. We have heard from many Title IX administrators that they are seeking ways to simplify the complicated decision-making process required under the new Title IX regulations when a report or complaint is received. Franczek P.C. has prepared an interactive decision-tree for the Title IX process to help meet that need. The interactive tool can be used with the Franczek P.C. Title IX Toolkit to allow Title IX Coordinators, their designees, and other administrators to easily work through threshold questions, the investigative and decision-making steps in the Title IX process, appeals, and more. For more information on the decision-tree, contact Jackie Gharapour Wernz or any other Franczek attorney.