Title IX Decision-Maker Training
Thursday September 1, 9 a.m. Registration
This two-hour training will build on the information presented in the Initial Title IX Initial Compliance Training session. If you have not already attended a Basic Training session, either a general session or one offered by your district, please register for the Basic Training above. This session will include information of specific relevance to Title IX Decision-Makers (initial complaint and appeal), including:
- Issues of relevance of questions and evidence
- When questions and evidence about a complainant’s sexual predisposition or prior sexual behavior are not relevant
- The complaint and appeal decision-making processes
- Technologies used during live hearings (if applicable)
- Recordkeeping requirements
- Hypothetical examples to illustrate key investigation principles
In addition to Title IX Coordinators, this training is recommended for individuals who may be identified to serve as decision-makers on complaint or appeal. This includes building principals and the full range of district-level administrators, including Superintendents and Board members, depending on who will handle appeals.