Franczek Webinar—The Road to Compliance: Essentials for K-12 Schools Under the New Title IX
The start of the 2020-2021 school year was already going to be busy, with plans to return to campus or continue remote learning, and the normal madness of back-to-school. As if that were not enough, the U.S. Department of Education’s recently-issued Title IX regulations go into effect on August 14, 2020.
School leaders may be understandably concerned as to how their institutions will possibly come into compliance with the rules by the time the new school year begins. In this webinar, Franczek P.C. attorneys Amy Dickerson, Emily Tulloch, and Jackie Gharapour Wernz provide a roadmap for compliance with practical analysis of the rules that will allow your school or school district to begin the important work of complying with the new requirements of the rule.
Questions addressed will include:
- What policies, procedures, and forms/notices must we draft, revise, and prepare?
- Do we need to hire or appoint new staff to comply?
- Who do we need to train, and how can we practically do so before August 14?
- And many others!
Participants are encouraged to view our webinar from May 11, 2020, for a high-level overview of the new regulations and to review the content on our Title IX blog at for helpful background.
Download the presentation materials here.