Franczek’s Title IX Fundamentals and Investigation Techniques
Navigating the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 has never been more challenging. Put your best foot forward for the new school year by joining us for a comprehensive, back-to-school training on Title IX. In this training, Franczek attorneys review Title IX fundamentals, discuss relevant legal updates, and engage in practical, hands-on exercises to learn effective and compliant investigation techniques. Title IX administrators will leave prepared to promptly, thoroughly, and adequately respond to complaints of sexual harassment and violence, mitigating the risk of legal challenges against your school or district.
Who should attend?
Title IX coordinators, Title IX investigators, and any other administrators who are involved in Title IX investigations at the building or district level should attend. The program is particularly essential for administrators who have not received comprehensive training on Title IX, including recent legal updates and hands-on investigative training, in the previous year.
What will be covered?
The training will include an overview of Title IX, including the state of the law and regulations governing Title IX; an update on entities enforcing Title IX (OCR, state and federal courts); a summary of Title IX responsibilities for schools, including how to properly identify a Title IX complaint; a summary of procedural requirements for Title IX complaints and investigations, including coordinator and investigator responsibilities; and case studies addressing fundamentals.
Participants will then engage in interactive exercises to work through some of the toughest Title IX questions, such as determining whether a matter is covered by Title IX; planning and modifying an investigation plan; balancing reporting student rights with the due process rights of the responding students and employees; deciding the role of and any deference to law enforcement; preventing and addressing retaliation; and other requirements to ensure a prompt, thorough, and adequate response. Investigation techniques covered will include trauma-informed interview techniques, analyzing evidence and making credibility determinations, and preparing a legally-defensible investigation report.
Why attend?
Administrators involved in Title IX complaint investigations must be trained on the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Training should address not only the fundamentals of Title IX, including administrator responsibilities and legal updates, but also should address techniques for investigations. The program will also allow Title IX administrators a unique opportunity to network with and learn from peers at other educational institutions across the state, which helps administrators address unfamiliar Title IX issues when they emerge.