AASPA Webinar—The New Title IX: Unexpected Consequences for K-12 Labor & Employment
On May 6, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education issued the long-awaited final rules implementing Title IX, marking a major shift in the Department’s enforcement of the law with respect to complaints of sexual misconduct in schools. Although Title IX is often associated with sexual harassment against students, the new rules will have many effects on the processing of sexual misconduct complaints against school employees. The sweeping changes will also require training of employees, including administrators with Title IX responsibilities and rank-and-file staff, on the new regulations before they go into effect on August 14, 2020. In this webinar hosted by American Association of School Personnel Administrators, participants will learn about the major changes from Franczek P.C. attorneys, Shelli Anderson and Jackie Gharapour Wernz, who have decades of experience in both HR and Title IX law. Attendees will understand what steps HR administrators should take to implement the regulatory changes and what unexpected consequences this major overhaul may bring.