Q&A on School Threat Assessment Procedures
Join Franczek Partners Dana Fattore Crumley and Amy Dickerson for a webinar addressing frequently asked questions regarding school threat assessment procedures. All Illinois school districts are required to have a threat assessment procedure in place, and prior to the start of each school year must now file a copy of that procedure with a local law enforcement agency and the regional office of education (or the State Board of Education as applicable for Chicago Public Schools), along with a list identifying the members of the school district’s threat assessment team. Charter schools are also now expressly required to follow the threat assessment procedures implemented by its authorizing school district or implement its own threat assessment procedure that complies with the requirements of the School Safety Drill Act. During the webinar, we review the requirements and best practices for developing and implementing a threat assessment procedure, including the requirements for school districts under the Illinois School Safety Drill Act for such procedures.