Part 2 of Livestream Series: Surviving and Thriving in the Face of Crisis with Dr. Zarse
Event Date: 04/01/2020
April 1, 2020
6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. CDT
In the second part of a four-part series of livestreams, Dr. Nancy Zarse continues to guide our communities to manage crisis in a healthy and constructive way. Franczek P.C. has partnered with Glen Ellyn School District 41 and the DuPage County Regional Office of Education to provide a series of livestreams geared toward caregivers and parents during this overwhelming time.
Led by Dr. Zarse, an expert in the field of crisis and resilience from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, the series is designed to help parents, caregivers, and all members of our school communities who are working to provide a sense of security and safety to our children. Glen Ellyn School District 41 Superintendent Dr. Melissa Kaczkowski, Dr. Darlene Ruscitti and Dr. Mike Robey of the DuPage ROE, and Franczek attorney Dana Fattore Crumley join Dr. Zarse to share how school districts are working to support students, families, and communities during this crisis.
This event is open to all, so please feel free to share the link with your school communities. Click here to view the livestream.
The first livestream event took place on Wednesday, March 25 at 6:30 p.m. View the archive here.