National Business Institute’s School Law Seminar—School Law: Handling Mental Health Issues
Event Date: 02/21/2019
Kathryn Vander Broek delivers two presentations at the National Business Institute’s School Law: Handling Mental Health Issues seminar in Warrenville, IL.
“Threats, Violence, Crises, Trauma, and Mental Health: How to Prevent and Respond” will address the following topics:
- Top Federal and State Laws Governing Mental Health Issues in Schools
- Recognizing Mental Health Issues: Legal Requirements
- Mandatory Reporting: Obligations of the School
- Mental Health Service Continuum: What Must Schools Provide?
- Medical Treatment vs. Education Services
- Public vs. Private School Legal Requirements
“School Legal Obligations Regarding Student Mental Health” will address the following topics:
- School Legal Obligations: Warning of Known/Foreseeable Dangers
- Conducting Threat Assessments and Other Proactive Preventions
- Handling Threats by Students With Mental Health Issues
- When Violence Occurs: Key Steps to Take
- Documenting Violent Behavior and School Responses
- Developing Crisis Management Plans
- Trauma-Informed Schooling: Legal Essentials
- Involving the Police: Extents/Limitations