Franczek Educational Equity Webinar Series: Recruiting, Hiring, and Retaining Diverse Teachers and Administrators
March 11, 2021 at 12 p.m.
Diversity and inclusion goals established within your school district for recruitment, hiring, and retention are keys to improving district diversity and support for all students. In this session, we will discuss the benefits of diversity in the workplace and its impact on student achievement, reducing bias in recruiting and hiring, supporting diverse employees in the workplace, and best practices for navigating the legal issues surrounding these initiatives. We will hear from guest speakers Toya Campbell, Chief Human Resource Officer at Evanston Township High School District 202, and Ken Kleber, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness at Champaign Unit School District 4, on their districts’ efforts and experiences in these areas. ISBE Executive Director of Teaching and Learning Dr. Jennifer Kirmes will also join us to discuss Illinois’ new Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards and how those standards will support district’s equity and inclusion efforts.