Franczek Educational Equity Webinar Series: Engaging and Re-engaging Students and Families for 2021-2022
This month our Educational Equity webinar will focus on engaging and reengaging students and families following the disruptions over the last year and a half. We are excited to welcome Dr. Zakieh Mohammed, Senior Manager for Attendance and Truancy, Office of Student Support and Engagement; Adrian Segura, Interim Chief Officer for Family and Community Engagement; and Claire Bohmann, Manager for Students in Temporary Living Situations, all of the Chicago Public Schools. The work of engaging students and families in the school community is always critical. And after more than a year of remote and hybrid learning through a pandemic that brought disruptions to all aspects of life, reconnecting with and supporting students is more important than ever. Chicago Public Schools is undertaking enormous projects to reach thousands of families to get students back into school and connected with needed supports. Kendra Yoch and Amy Dickerson will serve as moderators as we discuss strategies and legal considerations related to re-engaging students, especially those who have been truant and those who are experiencing homelessness.