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Franczek’s Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines Workshop


Monday, February 10, 2020 at East Leyden High School with Dewey Cornell
Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at Plainfield Fire Protection District with Jim Feger

Franczek P.C. is pleased to invite you to a complimentary comprehensive workshop on school threat assessment guidelines.

Who should attend? 

Districts and schools should send threat assessment team members as well as administrators whose work involves threat assessments.

Why Attend?

Attendees will receive training on an objective, uniform, systematic approach to threat assessment, which allows school leaders to analyze, document, and monitor threats through a tested method that increases efficacy and mitigates legal risk. The training will address the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines developed by Dr. Dewey Cornell and colleagues at the University of Virginia in 2001. The guidelines are an approach to violence prevention that emphasizes early attention to problems such as bullying, teasing, and other forms of student conflict before they escalate into violent behavior. Attendees will learn about the fundamentals of the guidelines and work through case studies to learn how to implement the guidelines in practice. Trainees will receive copies of the forms used under the guidelines and will have access to online educational programs on school safety for students, parents, and staff. These resources will be provided at no additional charge. 

What are the guidelines?

The guidelines have been extensively examined through field tests and controlled studies that demonstrate their utility and effectiveness. School staff members are encouraged to adopt a flexible, problem-solving approach, as distinguished from a more punitive, zero-tolerance approach to student misbehavior. The model is intended to generate broader changes in the nature of staff-student interactions around disciplinary matters and to encourage a more positive school climate in which students feel treated with fairness and respect. For more information about the guidelines and the workshops provided by Dr. Cornell’s team, visit

Event Details


Registration, Breakfast, and Networking: 8:30 a.m.
Welcome and Introduction: 9:00 a.m. 
Workshop: 9:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Lunch and Break: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Workshop: 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.


Dewey G. Cornell, Ph.D., is a forensic clinical psychologist and Professor of Education in the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia and author of the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines manual, an update of the original manual, Guidelines for Responding to Student Threats of Violence, an evidence-based model of school threat assessment used in schools across the United States and Canada. He is the Director of the UVA Virginia Youth Violence Project and a faculty associate of Institute of Law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy. During his clinical and academic career, Dr. Cornell has worked with juvenile and adult violent offenders, testified in criminal proceedings and legislative hearings, and consulted on violence prevention efforts. He has authored more than 200 publications in psychology and education, including studies of juvenile homicide, school safety, bullying, and threat assessment. He also led the development of the Authoritative School Climate Survey as a student and staff measure of school climate and safety conditions. He is currently directing statewide studies of both school climate and threat assessment in Virginia public schools with funding from the U. S. Department of Justice. A major emphasis in his work is the elimination of racial inequities in school discipline and educational outcomes.

Jim Feger, a trainer with Dr. Cornell’s School Threat Assessment Consultants team, is a school psychologist with 25 years of experience in mental health. His tenure in education is supplemented by an early career in clinical psychology where he served youth in residential, inpatient, and outpatient settings. Jim directed a long-term, residential treatment program for adjudicated youth. From 1994-2000, Jim’s practice focused on adolescent psychodiagnostics and cognitive therapy at Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital and Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center. Jim returned to graduate school and completed his school psychology training in 2000. Over the next 13 years, Jim provided special education assessment, consultation, and staff development services for Laurel County Schools. Jim is certified through the University of Kentucky as a trainer in Trauma Informed Care, and the National Council for Behavioral Health for Youth Mental Health First Aid. Jim chairs the Kentucky Department of Education’s LD Tables advisory panel, serves as KDE Liaison for the Kentucky Association of Psychology in the Schools and works closely with the Kentucky Department of Education in several capacities related to special education and mental health supports.

This workshop is available on two dates at different locations. Register below by clicking on the appropriate link. Please note there is limited space availability for both workshops. If you register and later determine that you cannot attend, please notify Morgan Coakley at promptly.

Additionally, Franczek P.C. is also offering a model threat assessment procedure that schools and districts can use to comply with the School Safety Drill Act and to otherwise guide their threat assessment teams. The procedure includes explanatory materials to help you easily tailor the document to meet your school or district’s needs. The procedure also includes a webinar presented by Dana Fattore Crumley, Amy Dickerson, and Kendra Yoch that assists with choosing, training, and running a threat assessment team. The cost of this package is $350, but participants who attend one of the two threat assessment workshops will receive a $50 discount on the package. If you are interested in purchasing the procedure, please email Morgan Coakley at